ERA to hold ‘building the future’ webinar on 11 October

The European Rental Association (ERA) will hold a webinar on 11 October on attracting new talent and skilled workers into the sector. The webinar will also provide the latest statistics and growth projections for Europe’s rental market.

Streamed live from a Loxam depot in Paris, the webinar programme is outlined below. The webinar forms part of the first European Rental Week, from 9 to 15 November, which aims to promote the equipment rental industry.

The one-hour webinar will begin at 11.00 CEST.

Webinar programme

  • Introduction: Stéphane Hénon, ERA President
  • The ERA Market Report 2023: Sevra Rende, S&P Global
  • People in Rental: panel discussion and Q&A
    • Jean-Baptiste Annat, Eurogroup Consulting
    • Jose Blanco, ASEAMAC
    • Daniela Niederstätter, Niederstätter AG

Topics to be discussed will include the key role of people in the growth of the industry, the sklls required to grow the industry and to capitalise on the green and digital transitions, and what rental companies can do to attract the people they need.

Logo for the European Rental Week The first European Rental Week, organised by the European Rental Association, takes place on 9 to 15 October. (Image: ERA)

Webinar registration
Advance registration is required and is free. Click here to view the webinar information page and registration weblink.


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